Road Features
Additional road features are being worked on to make environments even more realistic, including mini-roundabouts and pedestrian crossings.
Much of CityGen3D's inner workings are currently being rewritten to be multithreaded using Unity Jobs and Burst compiler. These improvements will speed up processing and generation times.
Facade Shader Updates
Updating the Facade shader to support parallax mapping giving the impression procedural buildings have interiors for little performance overhead.
Also adding support for emission channel to simulate interior lighting.
Entity Spawning
The Entities interface will be enhanced, allowing you to automatically instantiate prefabs on different surfaces. This will make it really easy to spawn animals on your farmland, swings & slides in your playgrounds, or shopping carts in your supermarket car parks.
Procedural Building Enhancements
Future improvements to the procedural building generation will include the ability to add prefabs to facades and roofs, allowing buildings to have chimneys, balconies, satellite dishes, and air-con units attached for added realism.
Bridges and Tunnels
CityGen3D currently only supports generating ground level roads using the terrain as the road surface.
An expansion pack is being developed so that bridges and tunnels can also be generated.
Traffic and Pedestrians
The core CityGen3D framework is about providing the tools for generating scene geometry.
An optional expansion is being researched that would add AI support for generating traffic and pedestrians that could navigate around the scene autonomously.
More Buildings
Additional building facade materials and blueprint definitions will provide a ready made solution for adding extra variety and regional diversity to your scenes.
The Roadmap aims to show you the features currently being developed and what is planned for the future.
It's not an exhaustive list, but hopefully provides an indication of some of the priorities and areas being actively worked on or researched.
If you would like further information, or would like to make a feature request or bug report, please use the Contact page.
(Please note that this is a guide and subject to change at any time.)
Coming Soon!
In development
In design
Planned add-on